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发布日期:2018-09-21    点击:









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陈国柱,中共党员、教授、 博士生导师,山东省优秀研究生指导教师,山东省化学化工学会理事、济南市化工学会理事、济南欧美同学会理事。现任菲律宾亚星yaxing国际院长,《山东化工》编委。主要从事催化剂的制备与表征,尤其是金属氧化物、双金属催化剂在异相催化中的性能评价及应用方面的研究。先后以第一作者或通讯作者在Chem.Commun.Adv. Funct.Mater. J. Mater. Chem. AJournal of CatalysisChem. Mater.AIChE J等杂志发表文章60余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省自然科学基金面上项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金及企业横向课题十余项;此外,还主持山东省重点研发计划(软科学)重大项目一项。担任十四五国家重点研发计划重点项目、各类基金项目评审专家。为中国化学会、中国稀土学会、美国材料化学会、加拿大化学会会员等。多次参加国际会议,在美国化学材料学会、加拿大化学年会、新加坡材料大会等做口头报告,曾担任96届加拿大化学会分组会主席,第二届国际纳米大会青年论坛主席。为ACS NanoApplied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalSmall等多个期刊的投稿论文进行审稿。


曲阜师范大学 化学系

1999/07-2004/08 淄博第十八中学 中学教师

2004/09-2009/07 山东大学硕博连读 无机化学 博士

2009/07-2013/08 加拿大国立科学研究院 (INRS)   博士后







4.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金 2014

5.山东省外国专家引智计划项目(中方主持) 2016

6.国家外专局教科文卫重点引智项目(中方主持) 2017





1.山东省优秀研究生指导教师 2019

2.菲律宾亚星yaxing国际优秀研究生导师 2018



1.一种碳纳米管负载双金属氧化物空心纳米颗粒的制备方法CN 104085876   B

2.一种水溶性铈前驱体制备多孔铈基氧化物方法CN 104944458   B



1.山东省第九届高等教育教学成果奖 一等奖 (第二位)2020

2.菲律宾亚星yaxing国际优秀科技成果奖一等奖 首位 2016

3.山东省研究生导师指导能力提升项目 2017

4.菲律宾亚星yaxing国际研究生教育创新计划项目 2016

5.材料化学专业课程体系整体优化与教学内容改革的研究与实践 2015




1. Yang, Q.; Gao, D.; Li, C.; Wang, S.; Hu, X.; Zheng, G.; Chen,   G.*; Highly Dispersed Pt on Partial Deligandation of Ce-MOFs for   Furfural Selective Hydrogenation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 328,   122458.

2. Li, J.; Hu, R.; Liu, W.; Gao, D.; Zhao, H; Li, C.; Jiang, X.;   Chen, G.*; Interfacial reaction-directed green synthesis of CeO2-MnO2   catalysts for imine production through oxidative coupling of alcohols and   amines, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62, 3692.

3. Lv, Y.; Xue, R.; Li, S.; Ren, J.; Wang, S.; Li, C.; Gao, D.; Chen,   G.*; Grain boundary and lattice distortion enriched   platinum-nickel/ceria colloidal nanoparticle clusters for highly efficient   electrooxidation of liquid fuels, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140055.

4. Wang, S.; Lv, Y.; Wang, X.; Gao, D.; Duan, A.; Zhao, H.;   Zheng, P.; Chen, G.*; Insights into the active sites of   dual‐zone synergistic catalysts for semi‐hydrogenation under hydrogen   spillover, AIChE Journal, 2022, e17866.

5. Yang, Q.; Gao, D.; Li, C.; Cao, S.; Li, S.; Zhao, H.; Li, C.;   Zheng, G.; Chen, G.*; Deposition of Pt clusters onto   MOFs-derived CeO2 by ALD for selective hydrogenation of furfural,   Fuel, 2022, 311, 122584.

6. Guo, Z.; Zhao, X.; Chen, G.*; Zhao, W.; Liu, T.;   Hu, R.; Jiang, X.; Controllable synthesis of magic cubelike Ce-MOFs-Derived   Pt/CeO2 catalyst for formaldehyde oxidation, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 12713.

7. Guo, Z.; You, Q.; Song, L.; Sun, G.; Chen, G.*;   Li, C.; Yang, X.; Hu, X.; Jiang, X.; Highly dispersed Pt species anchored   onto NH2-Ce-MOFs and their derived mesoporous catalysts for CO   oxidation, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 117.

8. Gao, D.; Yang, S.; Xi, L.; Risch, M.; Song, L.; Lv, Y.; Li,   C.; Li, C.; Chen, G.*; External and internal   interface-controlled trimetallic PtCuNi nanoframes with high defect-density   for enhanced electrooxidation of liquid fuels, Chemistry of Materials, 2020,   32, 1581.

9. Li, X.; Song, L.; Gao, D.; Kang, B.; Zhao, H.; Li, C.; Hu, X.;   Chen, G.*; Tandem of ammonia borane dehydrogenation and   phenylacetylene hydrogenation catalyzed by CeO2   nanotube/Pd@MIL-53(Al), Chemistry-A European Journal, 2020, 26, 4419.

10. Feng, J.; Wang, Y.; Gao, D.; Kang, B.; Li, S.; Li, C.; Chen,   G.*; Ce-Mn coordination polymer derived hierarchical/porous   structured CeO2-MnOx for enhanced catalytic properties,   Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 16381.

11. Li, B.; Yang, S.; Chen, G.*; Li, C.; Lv, Y.;   Yang, X.; Gao, D.; Implanting atomic dispersed Ru in PtNi colloidal nanocrystal   clusters for efficient catalytic performance in electro-oxidation of liquid   fuels, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2020, 26, 16869.

12. Xu, T.; Sun, K.; Gao, D.; Li, C.; Hu, X.; Chen, G.*;   Atomic-layer-deposition-formed sacrificial template for the construction of   an MIL-53 shell to increase selectivity of hydrogenation reactions, Chemical   Communications, 2019, 55, 7651.

13. Gao, D.; Li, S.; Lv, Y.; Zhuo, H.; Zhao, S.; Song, L.; Yang,   S.; Qin, Y.; Li, C.; Wei, Q.; Chen, G.*; PtNi colloidal   nanoparticle clusters: Tuning electronic structure and boundary density of   nanocrystal subunits for enhanced electrocatalytic properties, Journal of   Catalysis, 2019, 376, 87.

14. Guo, Z.; Song, L.; Xu, T.; Gao, D.; Li, C.; Hu, X.; Chen,   G.*; CeO2-CuO bimetal oxides derived from Ce-based MOF and   their difference in catalytic activities for CO oxidation, Materials   Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 226, 338.

15. Yang, S.; Li, S.; Song, L.; Lv, Y.; Duan, Z.; Li, C.;   Raphael Francesco Praeg;  Gao, D.; Chen, G.*;   Defect-density control of platinum-based nanoframes with high-index facets   for enhanced electrochemical properties, Nano Research, 2019, 12, 2881.

16. Gao, D.; Li, S.; Song, G.; Luo, M.; Lv, Y.; Yang, S.; Ma, X.;   Zhang, X.; Li, C.; Wei, Q.; Chen, G.*; Inner space- and   architecture-controlled nanoframes for efficient electro-oxidation of liquid   fuels, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 19280.

17. Zhao, W.; Wang, R.; Wang, Y.; Feng, J.; Li, C.; Chen,   G.*; Effect of LDH composition on the catalytic activity of Ru/LDH   for the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane, International Journal   of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 14820.

18. Gao, D.; Li, S.; Wang, X.; Xi, L.; Lange, K.M.; Ma, X.; Lv,   Y.; Yang, S.; Zhao, K.; Loussala, H. M.; Guan, A.*; Chen, G*.   Ultrafine PtRu nanoparticles confined in hierarchically porous carbon derived   from micro-mesoporous zeolite for enhanced nitroarenes reduction performance,   Journal of Catalysis, 2019, accepted.

19. Song, L.; Xu, T.; Gao, D.; Hu, X.; Li, C.; Chen, G.*;   MOFs-derived carbon mediated interfacial reaction for the synthesis of CeO2-MnO2   catalysts, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2019, accepted.

20. Chen, G.*; Song, G.; Zhao, W.; Gao, D.; Wen   Y.; Li, C.. Carbon sphere-assisted solution combustion synthesis of   porous/hollow structured CeO2-MnOx catalysts, Chemical   Engineering Journal, 2018, 352, 64-70.

21. Chen, G.*; Wang, R.; Zhao, W.; Kang, B.; Gao,   D.; Li, C.; Lee J. Y. Effect of Ru crystal phase on the catalytic activity of   hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane, J. Power Sources, 2018, 396,   148-154.

22. Chen, G.*; Yang, Y.; Guo, Z.; Gao, D.; Zhao,   W.; Yan, H.; Wang, W.-W.; Jia, C.-J.*, Sun, G. Thermally stable and highly   active Pt/CeO2@ SiO2 catalysts with a porous/hollow   structure, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018, 8, 4413-4419.

23. Chen, G.*; Wang, Y.; Wei, Y.; Zhao, W.; Gao,   D.; Yang, H.; Li, C. Successive Interfacial Reaction-Directed Synthesis of   CeO2@Au@CeO2-MnO2 Environmental Catalyst   with Sandwich Hollow Structure, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10,   11595-11603.

24. Gao, D.; Li, S.; Song, G.; Zha, P.; Li, C.; Wei, Q.; Lv, Y.;   Chen, G.*; One-Pot Synthesis of Pt−Cu Bimetallic Nanocrystals   with Different Structures and Their Enhanced Electrocatalytic Properties,   Nano Research, 2018, 11, 2612-2624.

25. Chen, G.*; Guo, Z.; Zhao, W.; Gao, D.; Li, C.;   Ye, C.; Sun, G. Design of Porous/Hollow Structured Ceria by Partial Thermal   Decomposition of Ce-MOF and Selective Etching, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,   2017, 9, 39594-39601.

26. Wang, Y.; Song, G.; Xu, Z.; Rosei, F.; Ma, D.; Chen,   G.*; Interfacial Reaction-Directed Synthesis of a Ceria   Nanotube-Embedded Ultra-small Pt Nanoparticle Catalyst with High Catalytic   Activity and Thermal Stability, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 14148-14154.

27. Chen, G.*; Xu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Song, G.; Li, C.;   Zhao, W.; Fan, W. Solubility Product Difference-Guided Synthesis of Co3O4–CeO2   Core–Shell Catalysts for CO Oxidation, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6,   7273-7279.

28. Chen, G.*; Xu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Song, G.; Fan, W.   Room Temperature Iinterfacial Reaction-Directed Synthesis of Hierarchically   Porous Ceria from a Water-Soluble Precursor, J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3,   7022-7028.

29. Chen, G.*; Rosei, F.*; Ma, D.* Template   Engaged Synthesis of Hollow Ceria-based Composites, Nanoscale, 2015, 7,   5578-5591.

30. Chen, G.*; Xu, Q.; Yang, Y.; Li, C.; Huang,   T.; Sun, G.; Zhang, S.; Ma, D.*; Li, X.* Facile and Mild Strategy to   Construct Mesoporous CeO2–CuO Nanorods with Enhanced Catalytic   Activity toward CO Oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7,   23538–23544.

31. Zhang, J.; Chen, G.*; Chaker, M.; Rosei, F.;   Ma, D.* Gold Nanoparticle Decorated Ceria Nanotubes with Significantly High   Catalytic Activity for the Reduction of Nitrophenol and Mechanism Study,   Appl. Catal. B 2013, 132-133, 107-115.

32. Zhu, F.; Chen, G.*; Sun, S.; Sun, X.* In Situ   Growth of Au@CeO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles and CeO2   Nanotubes from Ce(OH)CO3 Nanorods, J. Mater. Chem. A2013, 1, 2   288-294.

33. Chen, G.; Rosei, F.; Ma, D.* Interfacial   Reaction-Directed Synthesis of Ce–Mn Binary Oxide Nanotubes and Their Applications   in CO Oxidation and Water Treatment,Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 3914-3920.

34. Chen, G.; Desinan, S.; Rosei, R.; Rosei, F.;   Ma, D.* Hollow Ruthenium Nanoparticles with Small Dimensions Derived From   Ni@Ru core@shell Structure: Synthesis and Enhanced Catalytic Dehydrogenation   of Ammonia Borane, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 64 8009-8011.

35. Chen, G.*; Desinan, S.; Rosei, R.; Rosei, F.;   Ma, D.*; Synthesis of Ni–Ru Alloy Nanoparticles and Their High Catalytic   Activity in Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18,   7925-7930.

36. Chen, G.*; Desinan, S.; Riad N.; Rosei, R.;   Rosei, F.; Ma, D.*; Bifunctional Catalytic/Magnetic Ni@Ru Core-Shell   Nanoparticles, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 22 6308-6310.


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电话:0531-82765475 邮箱:rao_wangg@ujn.edu.cn