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发布日期:2020-10-09    点击:




















1. 非铅杂化钙钛矿材料的合成,光探测和光电转换性能研究及用于太阳能电池的探索

2. 铜基杂化光致发光材料的合成,发光器件制作和传感性能研究

3. 用于光催化CO2还原的新颖杂化半导体材料的合成及性能研究



8. 结构化学国家重点实验室开放基金,2020-2022,主持

7. 山东省自然科学基金联合专项,“含噻唑类有机阳离子的杂化金属卤化物的制备、水稳定性及性能研究”, ZR2017LB003, 2017.8-2019.12,主持

6. 61批中国博士后基金(21822017.4,主持

5. 结构化学国家重点实验室开放基金“水稳定钙钛矿太阳能电池光敏剂的合成及性能研究”2016.1-2018.1220160016,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(基于金属配合物光敏剂和无机II-VI族金属硫属阴离子的无机-有机杂化半导体材料的设计合成和性能研究,21201080),2013-2015,主持

3. 山东省自然科学基金(II-VIIV-VI族无机半导体与有机染料光电子功能材料的研究),2013-2015,主持

2. 菲律宾亚星yaxing国际博士基金项目(含过渡金属π共轭配体配合物的主族元素硫属基功能杂化材料的研究,XBS1205),2012.1-2013.12,主持

1. 菲律宾亚星yaxing国际科研基金(无机硫属半导体材料的带隙调控与改性,XKY1115),2012.1-2014.12,主持



11. 新颖铜碘光学传感药片的制备及抗生素探测应用,第十六届菲律宾亚星yaxing国际“挑战杯”二等奖,   2019.5

10. 水稳定银碘杂化材料的制备及光催化性能研究,第四届山东省大学生科技创新大赛,三等奖,2017.12

9. “铅碘杂化材料晶体结构和水稳定性影响因素研究”,第三届山东省大学生科技创新大赛,二等奖,2016.12

8. 水稳定无机-有机杂化卤化物的制备及用于钙钛矿太阳能电池的研究,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目2015104270282017. 5

7. 银碘基杂化材料的制备及光催化性能研究,菲律宾亚星yaxing国际2018SRT(校级),2018.11-2019.5

6. 功能银碘新型材料,菲律宾亚星yaxing国际第五届“互联网+”菲律宾亚星yaxing国际大学生创新创业大赛 银奖,(2019.9

5.   菲律宾亚星yaxing国际第三届大学生科技创新大赛,校一等奖,2017.3

4. “极性金属有机框架的构筑及其性能研究”编号2016112,菲律宾亚星yaxing国际科技创新立项(2016112

3. 201520172020校级优秀本科毕业论文指导教师

2. 20152019年度本科教学贡献奖

1. 2012年校优秀班主任




17) Design, Synthesis and Photocatalytic Application   of Moisture Stable Hybrid Lead-Free Perovskite, Guang-Ning Liu, Ruo-Yu Zhao,   Bo Xu, Yiqiang Sun, Xiao-Ming Jiang, Xun Hu, Cuncheng Li*, ACS Applied Materials   & Interfaces, In revision, 2020. (SCI   I)

16) (3-Methylbenzo[d]thiazol-3-ium)2Cu3I5:   A Copper iodide Hybrid Photoconductor Assembled via Coulomb Interaction, Rang-Dong Xu, Guang-Ning Liu,*, Yong Nie, Tian-Hui Wei, and   Cuncheng Li*, Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20, 7012-7020.

15) (3-Phenylpyridin-1-ium)SbI4:   Coulomb interaction-assembled Lead-free hybrid perovskite-like semiconductor,   Ruo-Yu Zhao, Guang-Ning Liu,* Qi-Sheng Liu, Peng-Fei Niu, Rang-Dong Xu,   Zi-Han Wang, Tian-Hui Wei, Jie Zhang, Yi-Qiang Sun and Cuncheng Li*, Crystal   Growth & Design, 2020, 20, 1009-1015. (SCI II)

14) Optical properties of two bismuth(III) halide   hybrids with pyridyl sulfide derivative counter cations, Zihan Wang,§   Qingjuan Dan,§ Ruo-Yu Zhao, Rang-Dong Xu, Guang-Ning Liu, and   Cuncheng Li, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2020, 111, 107632.

13) Constructing moisture-stable hybrid lead   iodine semiconductors based on hydrogen-bond-free and dual-iodine strategies,   Guang-Ning Liu, Ruo-Yu Zhao, Rang-Dong Xu, Qisheng Liu, Bo Xu, Yang-Yang   Wang, Qian Wu, Jun-Nuan Wang, Yong Nie and Cuncheng Li, Journal of Materials   Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 7700-7707. (SCI I)

12) Hybrid Copper Iodide Cluster-Based Pellet   Sensor for Highly Selective Optical Detection of O-nitrophenol and   Tetracycline Hydrochloride in Aqueous Solution, Guang-Ning Liu, Rang-Dong Xu,   Ruo-Yu Zhao, Yiqiang Sun, Qi-Bing Bo, Zhong-Yao Duan, Yue-Hua Li, Yang-Yang   Wang, Qian Wu and Cuncheng Li, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,   2019, 7, 18863-18873. (Highlight by Front Cover). (SCI I)

11) Water stable tetranuclear copper(I) iodide   cluster for visible-light driven photocatalytic application, Ruo-Yu Zhao,   Rang-Dong Xu, Guang-Ning Liu, Yiqiang Sun, Cuncheng Li, Inorganic Chemistry   Communications, 2019, 105, 135–139.

10) Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) Assisted   Room-Temperature Synthesis for the Mass Production of Bismuth Oxychloride   Ultrathin Nanoplates with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, Malik Zeeshan   Shahid, Yunwei Wei, Junnuan Wang, Guozhu Chen, Daowei Gao, Chen Ye, Yiqiang   Sun, Guang-Ning Liu*, and Cuncheng Li*, ChemPlusChem, 2019, 84,828-837.   (Highlight by Chemistryviews:   http://www.chemistryviews.org/details/ezine/11169058/Ultrathin_Nanoplates_with_High_Photocatalytic_Activity.html)

9) The structures, water stabilities and   photoluminescence properties of two types of iodocuprate(I)-based hybrids,   Guang-Ning Liu, Ruo-Yu Zhao, Hong Xu, Zi-Han Wang, Qi-Sheng Liu, Malik   Zeeshan Shahid, Jin-Ling Miao, Guozhu Chen, and Cuncheng Li, Dalton   Transaction, 2018, 47, 2306-2317. (SCI I)

8) A novel tetranuclear copper(I) iodide   metal-organic cluster [Cu4I4(Ligand)5] with   highly selective luminescence detection of antibioticGuang-Ning   Liu, Ruo-Yu Zhao, Rang-Dong Xu, Xu Zhang, Xue-Na Tang, Qing-Juan Dan, Yun-Wei   Wei, Yan-Yan Tu, Qi-Bing Bo, and Cuncheng Li, Crystal Growth &Design,   2018, 18, 5441-5448. (SCI I)

7) Water Stability Studies of Hybrid   Iodoargentates Containing N-Alkylated or N-Protonated Structure Directing   Agents: Exploring Noncentrosymmetric Hybrid Structures, Guang-Ning Liu,*   Xiao-Ming Jiang, Qing-Shun Fan, Muhammad Bilal Hussain, Ke Li, Hui Sun, Xin-Yu   Li, Wan-Qing Liu and Cuncheng Li,* Inorganic Chemistry. 2017, 56(4), 19061918.   (自然指数期刊)

6) Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic   structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid   iodoargentates?, Guang-Ning Liu*, Xu Zhang, Hong-Mei Wang, Hong Xu, Zi-Han   Wang, Xiang-Long Meng, Ya-Nan Dong, Ruo-Yu Zhao, and Cuncheng Li,* Dalton   Transaction 2017, 46, 12474-12486. (SCI II)

5) A simultaneous disulfide bond cleavage, N,   S-bialkylation/N-protonation and self-assembly reaction: syntheses,   structures and properties of two hybrid iodoargentates with thiazolyl-based   heterocycles, Guang-Ning Liu,*, Ke Li, Qing-Shun Fan, Hui Sun, Xin-Yu Li,   Xiao-Nan Han, Yu Li, Zhen-Wei Zhang, and Cuncheng Li*, Dalton Transaction   2016, 45, 1906219071. (SCI II)

4) Guang-Ning Liu, Jian-Ru Shi, Xiao-Jiang Han,   Xiao Zhang, Ke Li, Jie Li, Tao Zhang, Qi-Sheng Liu, Zhen-Wei Zhang, Cuncheng   Li, “A comparison study of aliphatic and aromatic structure directing agents   in influencing the crystal and electronic structures, and property of   iodoplumbate hybrids: Water induced structure conversion and visible light   photocatalytic property, Dalton Transaction,   2015, 44,12561-12575. (Highlight by Inside front cover) (SCI II)

3) Guang-Ning Liu, Ming-Jian Zhang, Wan-Qing Liu,   Hui Sun, Xin-Yu Li, Ke Li, Cai-Ze Ren, Zhen-Wei Zhang, Cuncheng Li,   “Structures and multiple properties of two polar metal-organic frameworks   based on achiral N,O-coordinated ligands: toward multifunctional materials,   Dalton Transaction, 2015, 44, 18882-18892.(SCI II)  

2) Guang-Ning Liu, Guo-Cong Guo,   Ming-Sheng Wang, and Jin-Shun Huang, “Novel Thioarsenates {[Mn(2,2¢-bipy)2(SCN)][Mn(2,2¢-bipy)](AsVS4)}2   and {[Mn(2,2'-bipy)2(SCN)]2[AsIII2(S2)2S2]}: Introducing   an Anionic   Second ligand to Modify MnII Complex Cations of 2,2¢-Bipyridine”, Dalton Trans.,   2014, 43, 3931–3938.

1) Guang-Ning Liu, Wen-Juan Zhu, Ming-Jian Zhang, Bo   Xu, Qi-Sheng Liu, Zhen-Wei Zhang and Cuncheng Li”Syntheses,   crystal and band structures, and optical properties of a selenidoantimonate   and an iron polyselenide”, J. Solid State Chem.,   2014, 218, 109–115.


1) Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 472-482.

2) Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 9660-9669.

3) Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 5740-5746.

4) Cryst. Growth Des. 2011, 11, 3318–3322.

5) CrystEngComm. 2010, 12, 4035.

6) J. Mol. Struct. 2010, 983, 104-111.



10) 一种椅式铜碘簇及其硝基苯酚的选择性传感应用, 专利号:ZL201811172080.3  

9) 一种铋碘杂化材料的室温制备与罗丹明B降解应用, 专利号:ZL201811182735.5

8) 一种四核铜碘簇的合成及其抗生素传感应用, 专利号:ZL 201810181652.8

7) 一种使罗丹明B选择性褪色的铋碘杂化材料的制备与应用, 专利号:ZL201810335681.5  

6) 一种黄色光致发光的非线性光学晶体材料及其制备与应用,专利号:ZL   2016 1 0839913.1 \

5) 一种发光可调铜碘基杂化材料的合成及应,专利号:ZL201710820186.9  

4) 一种铋碘杂化材料的合成及用于制备BiOI纳米片,专利号:ZL2017108252610

3) 一种杂化铜碘簇及其光催化降解染料的应用,专利号:ZL2018101816532

2) 一种银碘基杂化二阶非线性光学材料及其合成与应用,专利号:ZL   2016 1 0829859.2

1) 一种AgI基无机-有机杂化半导体材料的合成及光催化降解染料的应用,专利号:ZL   201410526490.9

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